WEATHER: Woke up to beautiful blue skies and sun! The temp was 47 to start out this morning and would climb to 80 before it was all over with. There were a lot of clouds in the afternoon… as usual. We’re getting use to the afternoon cloud cover and sometimes showers. No rain today though!
DISTANCE: We left Whitehorse at 10:00 am. And arrived in Northway, Alaska at 6:30. We drove 343 miles today and 8 and a 1/2 hours. Can you tell we were anxious to get back onto American soil??
The drive today has been varied. Just outside of Whitehorse it was about 100 miles of prairie. There were lots of signs of elk everywhere but we never saw one. We did come across a herd of wild horses which were beautiful. I’ve never seen horses get spooked before because of a car stopping. These did. The beauty of today’s trip were in the Kluane mountains near Haines Junction, YT. They loomed ahead of us with snow capped peaks and clouds that hung around their midsection like a belt. It is the most impressive mountain range we’ve seen yet. They are Canada’s highest and the world’s largest non-polar alpine ice field. We followed them for quite awhile. The Alaskan Highway wraps around these huge giants. On the east side of the road was the huge Kluane Lake, which is Yukon’s largest lake. The colors were absolutely beautiful. It went from a turquoise green on one end of the lake to a deep blue on the other end.
The last 100 miles or so of Canada was horrendous road conditions. They are repairing parts of the road which means construction and unpaved roadways, but where they hadn’t gotten to the repairs, it was like being in one of those jumping houses for kids. Up and down and up and down and….. Yeah, for 100 miles! It’s a good thing we had Bert weld on that hitch. It got a work out today. We had been told by other campers who were going in the opposite direction than us that the roads in the Yukon are unforgiving. Now we know what they mean and we agree. Unfortunately, it’s the only way out of here so we’ll be doing it again in another month or so.
It was actually exciting to cross the border into America again. There’s just something about seeing your own countries flag flying high that makes you feel welcomed. Everything was once again familiar; The road signs were in miles, not kilometers. The gas was in gallons rather than liters, and measurements were in feet rather than! Ahhhh, home sweet home. Crossing into Alaska also crossed our last time zone change. We are now 4 hours behind you. It is 10:30 here, as I type this and 2:30 am there!! Can you imagine staying up until 2:30 in the morning! Ridiculous!
So the road got better and we are now looking at another mountain range that is bigger than life out in the distance. I’ll probably learn more about them tomorrow as I read my way through the Milepost magazine. When we stopped for a campsite in Northway we were surprised when we went into the campground that there was no one else there. I mean NO ONE!! We are the only RV parked in this pretty large parking lot. We’re not too far off the road and the state troopers headquarters is across the street, but I have to say, it’s a little creepy. But there’s some unfinished business that Gary & I had to attend to this evening. When Adam went to Israel 4 years ago he had brought back gifts for many of us. He had brought us a bottle of wine. Kim knew about it and had taken it out of Adam’s bags when they arrived and hid it from us until our anniversary that year. We discussed when we would open it; maybe our 25 anniversary, maybe his one year anniversary of moving to heaven. We decided that when we arrived in Alaska that would be the appropriate time. The trip that he wanted his father to take so badly, we would open it and toast to our son. So here we are, four years later, fulfilling Gary’s dream of visiting Alaska and Adam’s desire for him to do it.
I made spaghetti with meat sauce, a salad and to Michael W. Smith playing in the background Gary opened the bottle of wine and we toasted to Adam and the inspiration for our trip. We cried all the way through dinner. Thank you Lord for a campground that is empty, a campsite all to ourselves to reflect and grieve.
Gary decided that we would finish the bottle this Sunday….. Father’s Day.
Welcome back to America!! What a wonderful story, trip and celebration with the wine!! I'm sure Adam would be very proud of you two...
ReplyDeleteExcept maybe that it took you all the way to the letter "P" to get there!!! you're halfway through the alphabet already!! I'm not sure what Google maps will do once you get past "Z", but I'm sure we'll find out.
BTW, are you going to set up camp in one place in Alaska and stay for a while, or just keep driving around??
Glad to know you survived the rough roads without the help of any dramamine. Good Grief, who knew you were in store for a roller coaster ride? Thanks for sharing the wine story, it gives us another glimpse of the incredible son you raised. Happy Travels :-)
ReplyDeleteYou're still cuter than the bear. Pretty good after all those miles.
ReplyDeleteAm so enjoying the bear pictures, like flat Stanley! The wine story got me wispy too. Was going to make a joke about the wine cabinet but just left it alone. Agree with Dan, Adam would have been thrilled with your choice for the celebtation and Fathers day is a nice touch. Cheers to you both!
ReplyDeleteoh, and you better double check that wine before drinking on Father's Day... with both Tim and Dave in the wine cabinet, it might be well watered down by then!!
ReplyDeleteI love you guys! As I was reading your post (at nearly 2:00am our time, I was reminded of Kim and Kelsey decision (after much input from family) to go with the laptop for your 25th Anniversary gift. Reading these postings makes me realize that YOUR gift was also a gift to the rest of us...getting to enjoy this journey day by day with you. Thank you for sharing with us your incredible's wine included. Can't help but believe that God is doing an amazing work on this trip. We look forward to more stories and a toast to your safe return in October. Bruno is, of course, invited! You guys are such good sports taking all of those pics with Bruno. Sue
ReplyDeleteThe wine is gone?
Oh, I love this story and your on-going witness of God's faithfulness. The timing of the wine and the remembrance of Adam is precious. Thanks for letting us take a glimpse.