THE WEATHER: We woke up at 4 am to raindrops… falling on our head! So… we slept in! Of course. It’s about 60 degrees and rain showers. This flat country doesn’t have the same beauty as the wet forest, but we’re moving on anyway. Due to this area being agricultural they depend on the rain! As we drove further north we drove out of the rain but a thick cloud cover blankets the sky. The kind that allows the sun to permeate so you can’t make up your mind whether to wear your sunglasses or not! The high today reached only 68. As we drove into Saskatchewan it began to rain and the wind picked up. Gary had a hard time keeping the RV steady through some of it. The day ended with a beautiful sunset and cool temperatures.
DESTINATION: We left Portage la Prairie, MB at 10:30 and arrived in Colonsay, SK at 9 pm. Much later than intended. The sun did not set until 10:30 tonight!! SOOO weird. We drove 10 hours and covered 405 miles today!
It is hard to believe that 3 weeks ago today I was laying in a hospital bed waking up from surgery!!! God has been incredibly good to me. Not only the miracle of dancing at Kim’s wedding but now almost half way to the Alaskan border!
“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits - …. Who satisfies [my] mouth with good so that [my] youth, renewed, is like the eagle’s ((strong, overcoming, soaring).” Psalm 103: 2 & 5
So we continue our journey westward… again we see nothing but miles upon miles of farm land. Lots of cows, horses, steer, etc. We saw one coyote who looked pretty well fed. He was probably around 60 pounds. Gary wants me to tell you that we also saw our first ground squirrel. Oooh, if he only had a gun!
So we ran into a slight problem… I had calculated a good distance to drive to our next campground but when we arrived much of it was flooded and there were only 15 amp service available (we need 30 to run everything comfortably) and there was no water hook ups. We decided to drive the next 30 miles to the next campground that I saw on the map. It was worse than the last one! First we had to drive 1.6 miles down a muddy road which was a little scary and then we got to the site and there was no office, there were just a couple of sites that were also in the mud and there was NO ONE else camping there. Hmmmm, what do they know that we don’t?? Do we want to hang around and find out? The answer is … NOOOO!!! Gary could tell I was a little uneasy (just a little!!!) so he went to pull out of the site and it was a bit slippery. He got out to check out the situation and we found our RV was covered in mud! It looks like we went 4 wheeling with a motor home! I did get a picture and when I get good internet access I may be able to post the pictures. Don’t worry, Gary got us out of the mud and we were able to get back on paved road heading further west. Not sure what time dinner will be tonight… dinner out sounds good!
Tim, to answer some of your questions about RV camping. The sites are not very attractive. They do not have the campsite feel of tenting at all. Usually you pull your rig into a line of other rigs right next to yours. Most of the time it just looks like one big parking lot! Of course for us, we aren’t looking to stay long and so the location doesn’t matter much. It will when we get to Alaska where we want to spend a week or so in one area. We’ll see what those sites look like. The best campground we’ve been in so far was in Sudbury where the guy left a lot of trees between the lots so you felt like you had a little privacy. NOTHING has been crowded! Much to our liking we only have a handful of campers at any site. I finally asked one of the camp owners when their season would pick up and he said not until the end of June/ first of July! Yippee!
CRIBBAGE COUNT: Gary 3 Debbie 2 (He almost had to sleep on the picnic table when he was ahead by 2 games! I think he may have let me win the last game.)
WOW!!!! You can post pics!! Dan is a good teacher apparantly! Bruno looks like he is having a blast!
ReplyDeleteOK, Dad just called. He is having a hard time commenting so he asked me to tell you that he could not find Colonsay, SK on the map.
I will take a look myself and set him up with a profile when I get a chance!
Tell Dad to just wait a little. I will post an update to the map shortly after Debbie tells me where their next stop is.