THE WEATHER: Do I sound like a broken record yet? 55 degrees to start, cloudy all day & the high was 78.
THE DISTANCE: 0.… again!
Okay, so today we had to say goodbye to Larry! I’m sorry I haven’t introduced him yet, but he was another Rver who pulled in across from us. He and Gary got talking about tools and we hit it off with him and his wife. We spent our first evening over at their site talking about what it’s like to live in Alaska and of course, fishing! It turns out he owns a boat that is docked in Valdez and he said if we are there in August he’ll take us out for some halibut fishing. He loves to watch the tourists catch fish! We do to! I don’t know if we’ll be in that area in August (probably not) but if so, we’ll give him a call.
Today was again pretty low key. We went out for brunch at a local restaurant and drove around on the motorcycle. Matt came over for dinner and Gary & he are out fishing as I am doing laundry and talking to Sue! I’ll have to report tomorrow on how they did and post those pictures because they have the camera.
That’s about all that’s going on here in Alaska today. BTW, Dan, it’s difficult to access the internet here. I get a great signal only if I’m at the RV office or, like right now, at the laundry room. It takes a lot of time to post the blog and pictures and then check email due to a slow connection. So to try to scope out RV sites on top of that, would take more time than I really have. I do have the Milepost which gives good references for campgrounds but I love to read the reviews from the site you sent. I didn’t know this park was going to close after this season! Interesting. It’ll be a big loss for this area.
ReplyDeleteI figured that you had limited time with the slow connections up there. It must take forever to load the travel maps, so I understand that you can't take hours to browse the info I'm putting up there.
2 things on that topic:
a) I rotated your Forget-Me-Not photo so we don't have to hurt our necks
and 2) I put a link for "Stories Around the Campfire", and interesting newsletter with some stories about places you've been and are going to. If you read it carefully, you'll find a reference to your shotgun buddy, Jack Kimm, in there...
Dan, thanks so much for taking care of this blog for me... where would we be without you??!! Probably still in the Yukon somewhere! I tried to rotate that picture but couldn't figure out how to do it once it had already been posted. I've learned how to do it before hand but not after. I had comments from a few friends who say it is hard to comment on the site... do you know why that would be?? I can't wait to read the "campfire" stories. Jack is such an amazing guy.
ReplyDeleteTo post a comment if you don't have an "account":
ReplyDeleteIn the "Comment as" line, click the down arrow where it says "Select profile", and select "Name/URL".
Next to "Name", put your name (mine would just say "Dan").
Next to URL put nothing (leave it blank).
Then click on "Continue".
It will ask you to fill in some letters to be sure you're not a spammer. Fill in what it shows you and click on "Post Comment".
That's it, your comment will be posted. It's actually quite easy...
Well, Debbie, I certainly enjoyed catching up. Too bad your cell phone battery died after an hour! We missed you tonight at the fireworks, but Kim & Tommy did a good job holding your spot. The finale was pretty awesome. Brought my dad and Kathy brought her mom. Bresca and the girls, Kyle, J-A, Jonathan & Family. Even Gerry & Denise join the crowd. And of course the regulars. We had quite a corner.