THE WEATHER: Half the day was in fog and the other half was bright, sunny and highs in the 80’s
THE DISTANCE: 94 miles into California and back to Oregon
The day started out under a thick bank of fog. We were so close to the ocean it didn’t surprise us, but it lasted longer than we were expecting. We got on our way and once again the coast line was spectacular but we couldn’t see too far out and the water was calm due to the lack of wind. We got to the border rather quickly and were stopped by border crossing guards! They told us our vehicle would have to be inspected for gypsy moth larvae. Gary asked, “do you have to do this for every vehicle?” The guard said, no, but anything that comes from the northeast gets stopped and inspected! We passed, received a certificate (good for 1yr.) and were on our way in about 10 minutes. Gary has three trees that he’s been transporting at this point, a fuchsia bush, Sitka pine and a red wood. Hopefully it doesn’t cause us any trouble any where else.
Crossing over from Oregon to California was like Alice in Wonderland taking a drink that made her suddenly smaller! We were among ginormous (gigantic-enormous) trees that a picture could never capture and do justice. The road was very windy and took us through beautiful trees with mist seeping through them.
We arrived at the “Trees of Mystery” in Klamath,CA for a walking tour through the forest with interpretive plaque’s and then on to a gondola that took us gliding silently through the trees about 70 feet high. When we arrived at the top of the ridge (745 feet) the sun began to break through the mist and we could just make out the ocean not too far away. The picture above of a stand of trees together is called "Cathedral". It is where many weddings are performed. It would be a stunning location. It was a great way to spend a day.
We drove from California back into Oregon on a different route making our way north and east for the first time. Rte. 199 through the Redwood Forest National Park was a gorgeous winding drive with deep chasms, crystal clear rivers and cliffs on MY side of the car that were a little scary to look at! We drove through a town called Hiouchi where Gary’s taxidermist friend, Paul, suggested that he look at some red wood slabs to display his fish. We spent quite a bit of time picking out the perfect pieces of wood in order to show off those “beautiful” fish! They are now safely tucked away in our RV and coming home with us.
We are now residing (only for the night) in O’Brien Oregon at the O’Brien RV “Resort!!!” I can’t believe anyone can get away with calling a glorified parking lot a resort, it doesn’t even have a Jacuzzi, hot tub or pool! But it’s home for tonight.
PS: Heather; great suggestion on the youth group tour... we actually considered going through Kentucky. But then of course we would have to drive to Texas to see Marie, etc. etc.!
Geoff; Coming from an english teacher I am honored to receive such a compliment! Does that mean I get an A???!!!
Dad: You test came through just fine. "Roger that", Debbie out. (Rick taught me that).
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