“Great is the art of beginning but greater is the art of finishing” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
2 Countries….. 8 Provinces….. 18 states….
FINAL THOUGHTS as we drive our last 100 miles of 100 days on the road;
When Adam died I suddenly grasped a deeper meaning of what’s important in life… and maybe more importantly, what’s not. The trivial things that we invest our time and talents leave us with a house full of “stuff” and short on memorable moments. I have to agree with Dr. James Dobson who said, “life is all about the people you love and those that love you.” This 100 day trip to Alaska has confirmed those thoughts in my heart. I will remember the people that we met who spent time sharing themselves with us. Bert, who took time to not only fix our hitch but take us on a boat tour of his lovely little town, and Gene who spent an afternoon “teaching Gary everything he knew about catching salmon” on the Kenai River. There was Patty in the laundry room that sat for an hour while my loads dried and shared recipe after recipe on how to prepare salmon! We are still in contact with Pastor Don who we met on the boardwalk in Soldotna who helped me catch fish and couldn’t stop talking about what the Lord has done in his life. There were Mellissa and June who both lost daughters way before their time, and we shared our pain. We enjoyed an old friend, Matt, in Anchorage and made new ones like Jack Kimm. We enjoyed the hospitality of those we visited on the way home; Andy & Amy, Paul & Leslie, Harold, Dennis & Mary, Geoff & Kiersten, Charlie, Russ & Ruth, Dana & Sharon and Cheryl & Steve. People are important, not the nice car or house or clothes. It’s not how much money you have or where you went on vacation. It’s all about how you have served those that God has given you in your life to treasure and bless. With all of that said let the credits roll…..
To all of our 25 blogger friends (and other readers who chose to remain anonymous), we want to thank you for coming along on this trip over the past 3 1/2 months. It was a little crowded, I must say, to have you all here but it’s what made the trip that much more fun! Tim & Dave, you need to come out of the wine closet now, you guys need to dry out. Thanks especially to all those who commented on the blog. It confirmed that some one was really out there.
Thank you Kim & Tommy for watching the house for taking care of all the mail and bills.
Thanks Mary & Perry and Mom & Dad for picking up where Kim & Tommy left off.
Thanks Dowst’s & Byrd’s for the gift of Bruno who gave us all a laugh.
Thank you Tim & Sue for being on the receiving end of 100 pounds of fish! Is there any left?
Thank you Gail for my “midnight moon” body wash and cream… it made the fishing days of Soldotna a little more bearable…. And the books you lent that filled many hours.
Thank you cartographer & IT man, Dan for educating us all along the way. You did so much work on making this blog more interesting than I could have done alone. I appreciated all your comments and especially your humor.
Thank you Martie for being our off-site Editor-in-Chief.
Thank you Rick for informing us of all the bad men from Arizona and Judy for warm socks!
Thank you Bruno for putting up with the shower stall as a den for 14,077 miles. We made friends quicker because you were our friend.
Thanks Gary for the dream that led us to Alaska and all the miles & miles of driving…. And multiple repairs inside and out.
Finally, thank you Adam for the inspiration for this trip and whenever I see the flower of Alaska I will always think of you.
Ultimately, thank you God for giving us beautiful places like Alaska to travel to and see Your handiwork.
“He protected us on our entire journey and among all the nations through which we traveled.” Joshua 24:17
ReplyDeleteAnd I think I speak for all of the "Followers" when I say thank YOU for letting us tag along. This was so much better than watching slides in a darkened room, or flipping through photo pages while you "try" to explain what you were experiencing.
We were actually experiencing it with you (albeit one day later), and because of that we have a much deeper understanding of what you mean.
Even if you didn't get comments every day, I think you know now how many people were following your journey along with you. I don't even have a need to see Alaska any more!
Of course, you realize we now expect you to continue reporting on your daily trips to the grocery store, cleaners, Home Depot, etc... WITH pictures!!
Finally, because you did such an outstanding job of describing your journey and the people you met along the way, we all have a better understanding of what you meant in the beginning of this post. The quote from James Dobson reminded me of one of my favorite songs, which I have a link to here...
It is so true that what "really matters, is how we love!".
We (your followers) love you!!
ps. I still want to hear about those 2 stories that "never made it to the blog... and never will!!!"
The link is in the title of my Comment called "How We Love"
ReplyDeleteWhat fish? *burp*
ReplyDeleteWelcome home Gary, Debbie, and Bruno! And don't listen to Tim; your salmon is still tucked away safely in our freezer. By the way, we have read every post. You can even quiz us! We are ready for the challenge. Sue
ReplyDeleteI echo Kim and others who are sad that you are home! We have loved traveling along and I, for one, never got car sick once! It was a perfect way to travel and now that you are home, it feels that summmer is truly over. Sniff. God has give you a gift at commmunicating, Debbie, and you need to continue sharing that with other people! We look forward to seeing you in person one day soon and hearing, as Dan said, all the unprintable stories! Peace and love from all of us in Roanoke.
ReplyDeleteWell, I am so excited to see you but I think Dan is right....you'll have to write about the everyday things now....Somehow I think you have an art of writing that will make it interesting!
ReplyDeleteIt has been fun to travel with you...but I think I need to go and see Alaska for myself. You've definitely stirred the interest.
And I have to agree wholeheartedly with you on the value of memorable moments spent together, whether at the dining table or on a trip! Love you Deb!
Hey its Emaurie!
ReplyDeleteI am so excited you guys finished the dream! It was cool to stop in your corner of the world and read time and time again...yup they are still driving!
I know that Adam would not only smile...he would have a few funny comments waiting for your arrival through the door...wish I could have been there to greet you...but I love you much!!!!