NH to Alaska

Northway, AK to Anchorage

Anchorage to Tok, AK

Tok, AK to Brookings, OR

Home to New Hampshire

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


WEATHER: (for you Dad) started out humid but clear... drove into showers.... set up the RV in cool dry weather.

DISTANCE: Weare, NH to Hudson, Quebec Canada 300 miles in 8 hours
Not exactly record time. We are averaging 7 miles per gallon and 55 mph.

Okay, so our adventure to Alaska started a little later than expected. Our 6 am departure time turned into 11 am. Our first stop was 3 miles from the house at the cemetery where our son is laid and the inspiration for this trip. Thank you Adam for giving me the idea just before you left us... you wanted your Dad to see Alaska for his 60th birthday. From there we drove a 1/2 hour into Concord and we stopped, of course, at Dunkin' Donuts. Those who have traveled with us know that it is ALWAYS Gary's first stop. Up until then we were both feeling kinda' apprehensive, even a little scared about leaving the safety of our home territory. We could always turn back if something was wrong, or if we had forgotten something. Not anymore... we left the Concord area knowing we were now at the mercy of the road and we would have to handle the challenges that arise.

Last night we had some good friends (and neighbors) stop in with a bottle of wine to send us off with a toast & good memories. After they left, Gary went out to the RV to close it up and found a 4 foot picture of a bear standing in our shower! On the back it reads: "Debbie & Gary- Bruno is a gift to you guys. He is a great guard bear - when you hear sounds outside the RV just place him in the window and whatever is out there will run!We expect to see him in lots of pictures! Love,Tim, Sue, Mary & Perry

So, If I can figure out how to put pictures on this blog... you'll meet Bruno yourselves!

Our first night camping was spent just west of Montreal. We got a little lost in Montreal but not a problem. Unfortunately we arrived in the city right at 6 pm at peak traffic. The Saint Lawrence River was amazingly wide! There's water every where you look up here. The campsite is wooded and quiet.... great for sleeping! The temp. is 70 and comfortable. We don't have wifi here so you won't be able to read this until tomorrow unfortunately


  1. An Old Irish Blessing
    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind always be at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
    and rains fall soft upon your fields,
    May your gas mileage improve,
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

    Bruno looks like he's enjoying the trip so far! Think he's looking forward to meeting his relatives....

  2. I love this blogging stuff, I will follow your adventure religously every day!
    So here is my friends info., u should definitly go here and see her:
    Karen Wallace
    The Lighthouse Rest. and Harbor Bar
    Haines, Alaska
    SE Alaska-near Juneau-on the Haines Highway
    Famous for wildlife-Eagles-fishing-on the shores of the longest fjord in N. America-Rick
